Kane County Hospital Healing Arts “One Man’s Trash…”

Linda (Linja) McCowan

Kane County Hospital is pleased to host Linda (Linja) McCowan a mixed media artist. Linda is secure in her heritage and, “Born with an art gene, I blame my parents. My mum created spontaneous poetry, drew words in red crayon along one hall, and made a collage wall in our kitchen; my dad painted murals— Polynesian, hippy style, almost everywhere else. Wanderlust, and a hot guy, drew me a long way from my New Zealand/ Aussie roots. Yet I find, wherever my happy feet wander, creating art all ways brings me home. “          

McCowan explains her passion, “What do I want “One Man’s Trash” to say?  Making something a treasure is entirely up to you. Explore your perspective. Appreciate the familiar and the commonplace. Care for and respect the abundant gifts around you.  Celebrate the order you can joyfully create, in your chaos.

Her art is an adventure, she suggests there are, “Fun things to look for: coffee table legs, a rake, an old dipstick, weeds, a bamboo spoon and a sequined costume for starters.”

Linda has unique and varied art material suppliers. I may gather materials from, “A recycle bin, a desert backyard, or two Mexican junk yards, my favorite potter & her “darling Sea of Cortez”, and last but not least the Hospital Thrift Store with the best yardmen ever.  So, if you are local, look extra close and you may even see parts of something you once owned!  Enjoy.”

KCH will be hosting a reception for Linda and her collection from August 4th through August 30th.  “One Man’s Trash” reception will begin at 5:30 on Thursday, August 10th in the hospital lobby. Please stop by for treats which will include tasty morsels from our amazing dietary staff as well at treating yourself to a unique art show.

Linda would like to thank you for stopping to read this. “If you are interested in purchasing any of my artwork please email: [email protected] or text: 435 689 1204 and leave a message.”